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Robofest 2.0

Fri Oct 21 2022

Robofest 2.0 was the second iteration of the national-level inter-collegiate robotics fest of IEEE RAS PESU.

The Robofest showcased the year-long efforts of the robotics enthusiasts on our campus and encouraged their participation further.

It started with the Project Roadshow which displayed the major projects guided by the student mentors and other interesting robotics projects. Curious on-lookers came up to the stalls to converse with the teams about the robotics projects and were inspired.

The club orientation was also organized which was an interactive session by the core team to talk about the activities and achievements of the club.

Online workshops were conducted on the Basics of Raspberry Pi, Image Processing, IoT(Internet of Things), ROS, and CAD modeling for beginners taught by experienced student mentors. During the workshops, the teams were given challenging tasks and the teams with the best solution were shortlisted to participate in the hackathon.

A 24-hour one-of-a-kind hackathon was organized by our club in collaboration with Orangewood Labs, FANUC India and the Centre for Robotics, Automation and Intelligent Systems. Problem statements were decided by the companies and cRAIS. 33 enthusiastic teams enjoyed and appreciated this hackathon as it facilitated them to learn and dive into the field of robotics. They made valuable progress throughout the 24 hours. The top 3 teams got the golden opportunity to intern at these companies along with bagging cash prizes.