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Robo Olympics

Sat Apr 15 2023

An intense competition where robots are raced against obstacles in a time bound environment!

The Robo Olympics, held as part of the Aatmatrisha 2023, was a highly anticipated event with a significant turnout. A total of 40 participants registered for the event, and the venue saw a lot of enthusiastic people who showed up to witness the spectacle. The event was open for all from morning to noon.

The event itself was a thrilling obstacle course where two cars, designed and developed by IEEE RAS, raced against each other. The objective was to complete the course in the shortest time possible, and the car that managed to do so was declared the winner. The competition was intense, with many friends competing against each other, resulting in a highly enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Overall, the event was a resounding success, with everyone thoroughly enjoying themselves. The IEEE RAS team was proud of how well the event was organized, and it was evident that everyone had put in a lot of effort to make it a memorable experience. The Robo Olympics was a fantastic addition to the Aatmatrisha's event list, and it was clear that everyone involved was looking forward to more such events in the future.